Satire in a Disbelieving Culture

Karl Schmude explores whether satire is possible in a culture that no longer has fundamental beliefs by which human follies can be exposed - laughed at so they...

Chesterton and Anti-Semitism

Gary Furnell provides a balanced review of Richard Ingrams’ recent book on whether Chesterton was anti-Semitic.

Premiere of a Chesterton Movie

The Defendant reports on a recent Australian movie production of Chesterton’s play, ‘Magic’, and the acquisition by Campion College of a copy of the play personally signed by...

Margaritas in Elfland – William F. Buckley, Jr. (1925-2008)

David Deavel reveals the impact of Chesterton on the life and thought of the American author, editor and broadcaster, William F. Buckley Jr (1925-2008).

Rebirth of the Catholic Novel

News of an important study by Trevor Merrill on the emergence of a new generation of Catholic novelists.

Chesterton and the Locked Tomb

John Young reviews a crime novel by the Australian broadcaster and columnist, Kel Richards, which features Chesterton as one of its characters.