Karl Schmude finds new examples of Chesterton’s prediction that modern barbarism would come from over-civilisation rather than the abandonment of civilisation.
The Australian Chesterton Society is a national association devoted to fostering an appreciation of G.K. Chesterton’s writings and the value of his thought in contemporary Australia.
"Shakespeare’s Heroines vs Chesterton’s: Balancing Romance and Reality" by Angela Schumann
Francis Cantrall on "Can Romance be a Reality for Teenagers Today?"
“A servant of God – a stubborn, defiant maid” by Dr Stephen McInerney
Karl Schmude, The Fatherhood of Chesterton
The 2020 Conference of the Australian Chesterton Society on “Chesterton and Woman: Romance and Reality” was postponed to 2021 on account of COVID-19 travel and other restrictions. For the same reason, it did not prove possible to hold the conference in 2021, as was intended, at Campion College in Sydney.
The invited papers, however, were written and later video-recorded, and are presented here.