2023 Conference

Chesterton and the Rise of a Counter-Culture

2022 Conference

GK Chesterton – The Great Detective

2021 Conference

Chesterton and Woman: Romance and Reality

The 2020 Conference of the Australian Chesterton Society on “Chesterton and Woman: Romance and Reality” was postponed to 2021 on account of COVID-19 travel and other restrictions. For the same reason, it did not prove possible to hold the conference in 2021, as was intended, at Campion College in Sydney.

The invited papers, however, were written and later video-recorded, and are presented here.

No conference was held in 2020 due to Covid.

2019 Conference

Reclaiming the Economy – A Chesterton Alternative

2018 Conference

Chesterton and the Child – Fostering the Family Today

2017 Conference

Laughter in Paradise – GK Chesterton and Humour

2016 Conference

A World of Wonder – GK Chesterton and the literary imagination

2015 Conference

A Third Spring: G.K. Chesterton and the Convert Cardinals – Newman and Manning