Chesterton and the Over-Civilised Culture
By Karl Schmude
Karl Schmude finds new examples of Chesterton’s prediction that modern barbarism would come from over-civilisation rather than the abandonment of civilisation.
Chesterton’s Fence – and the Secular View of Time
By Gary Furnell
Gary Furnell considers the secular impatience with time as akin to Chesterton’s analogy of the fence being pulled down before its purpose is known.
Joseph Pearce gives a fresh perspective on Hilaire Belloc as Chesterton’s 'other brother’.
The Chestertons in Children’s Literature
By Gary Furnell
Gary Furnell reviews two children’s books by Nancy Brown which feature Gilbert and Frances Chesterton as characters.
The Spiritual Life of an Atheist
By Karl Schmude
Karl Schmude reflects on the impact of a Benedictine nun on the spiritual life of George Bernard Shaw, a professed atheist.
Two Chesterton Champions – Aidan Mackey and Ray Finnegan
By Karl Schmude
The Australian Chesterton Society pays tribute to the late Chestertonians - Aidan Mackey in England and Ray Finnegan in Australia.
The Australian Chesterton Society is a national association devoted to fostering an appreciation of G.K. Chesterton’s writings and the value of his thought in contemporary Australia.