G.K.’s Weekly – The Success of a Beautiful Failure
Luca Fumagalli unfolds the history of the weekly journal that Chesterton edited, and considers its enduring importance for the values it proclaimed.
Capturing the Character of Chesterton
By Karl Schmude
What was Chesterton’s character like? It’s a question we may think has already been answered. His voluminous writings - and the various biographical portraits of him - provide...
The World of Contemporary Finance – A Catholic Critique
By Gary Furnell
Gary Furnell reviews a recent study that sheds light on the value of Catholic teaching in such areas of present-day debate as productivity, interest on loans, and the...
The Meaning of ‘Common Wealth’ – Acquiring Wealth Justly
Garrick Small reviews a book on usury, the unjust charging of interest on loans, and clarifies the philosophical principles and practical distinctions that underlie the Catholic opposition to...
Francis Phillips reflects on the purpose of poetry, and highlights the value of memorising at a young age such classic poems as Chesterton’s Lepanto.
The Australian Chesterton Society is a national association devoted to fostering an appreciation of G.K. Chesterton’s writings and the value of his thought in contemporary Australia.